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Jiri Offline

Lover von Itchy

Beiträge: 2.189

04.12.2007 18:25
#11 RE: Legend II, Fortress War Zitat · Antworten

A fortress war is a guild combat with up to 300 users participated.
All of the guilds on the Silkroad fiercely fight each other to occupy the
fortresses distributed at various locations.

The fortresses are located in the vicinity of large cities
(large fortresses) and trading centers (small fortresses).
Guilds succeeding in occupying large fortresses are
entitled to fix tax rate and levy taxes in large cities.
Guilds succeeding in occupying small fortresses are
entitled to fix tax rate and levy taxes at trading
centers, ferries, private boats and tunnels.

The fortress war takes place on every Friday
(Silkroad standard time).
A guild winning the fortress war is entitled to occupy the
fortress for one week.
A guild occupying a fortress is allowed to fix tax rate on every
Saturday, and levy taxes.

You can make access to a fortress through the gate of the fortress
located in the field.
Guilds defending a fortress and those applied for fortress attacking are
only allowed to participate the game during the fortress war period; however,
any guilds are allowed to do so before the fortress war starts. If the fortress is
croweded or guild member is wearing job uniform, entering into a fortress is forbidden.
The guilds occupying the fortress and the alliance guilds are allowed to move to Gate of
Charge or Gate of Glory outside the exterior castle through Gate of Revival.


A Wizard's Story (*klick*)
JiriTown (*klick*)

Jiri Offline

Lover von Itchy

Beiträge: 2.189

04.12.2007 18:29
#12 RE: Legend II, Fortress War Zitat · Antworten

A fortress consists of components playing the key roles of the a fortress war including; the heart of the fortress, the castle gate for defending the fortress, defending camps, the guard tower, obstacles for installing items, a command post and the war flags. The structures of the fortress can only be destructed with weapons of castle attack.

Heart of Fortress
The utmost target in a fortress war: This structure cannot be attacked unless you succeed in destroying all the guard towers inside the fortress. Once you destroy the heart of the fortress, you are allowed to occupy the fortress upon temporary basis.
The heart of the fortress can exercise its own attacking functions to reduce HP of enemies, and to cause abnormal conditions to the enemies.
Castle Gate
The sole access point for entering into the exterior castle with high durability and defense abilities. The commander, the deputy commander and the combat administrator of the occupying guild are allowed to open and close the gate with a pulley. When the castle gate is destroyed, the attacking team is allowed to move to the exterior castle.
Defense Camp
Camps are formed around the castle gate, the guard tower and the heart of the fortress. If the members of the fortress-occupying guild remain inside the defense camps, both of the physical/magical damage and the damage absorption rate increase. (The defense camps can only be formed by the occupying guild, not to the members of the alliance guild.)
Guard towers
The guard towers, upgraded gradually dependent upon period of fortress occupation, create seals protecting the heart of the fortress to cause abnormal conditions and magical damages to the enemies within their premises.
There are four types of the guard towers, which are provided with attacking functions from phase II.
A structure which can be formed by an item has low defense and low durability.
Command post tents
A structure which can be formed by an item such as obstacle. It can be formed one per each attacking guild. The command post tent is used as a location for revival of the attacking guild, and recovery of HP/MP of the guild members increases by 100% when the members remain within a specified area.
Combat flags
There are three types of the combat flags, the castle attacking weapons: These flags may be destructed or eliminated over time.
① Flag of combat – The physical/magical damage of up to 24 guild members within 24 meters for two minutes increases by 10%.
② Flag of defense – The physical/magical damage absorption rate of up to 24 guild members within 24 meters for two minutes
increases by 10%.
③ Flag of healing – The HP/MP of up to 24 guild members within 24 meters for two minutes increases by 5% every five seconds.
Installing Structures
The structures of the fortress are installed by NPC, the combat assistants, during period other than fortress war. The heart of the fortress, the castle gate and the guard towers are provided in default. However, the defense comps are installed at locations designated by the commander or the war administrator. However, the structures consisted of items are allowed of installation only during the fortress war. The structures can be installed at specified locations only by making use of mobilized items. (Except the flags)
Repair of Structures
NPC, the combat assistant, can make use of paid Gold to perform repair of the structures installed at the fortress with paid Gold for periods other than fortress war; and the repair tools to do so during fortress war.
Small and medium repair tools are available from the fortress clerk; and large tools shall be ordered to the blacksmith in the fortress.
Repair work of the structures are allowed to the structures installed at the fortress only, not to those consisted of items.
Upgrading Structures
The structures installed at the fortress can be upgraded upon payment of certain amount of Gold and GP to NPC, the combat assistant. The higher the upgraded level goes, the longer the upgrade period gets, and the more Gold and GP increases to pay.
If a structure at a next phase is higher than the level of the character to upgrade, it is not allowed to make upgrade. If durability is less than 100%, upgrade is allowed only after completion of repair work.
Upgrading up to phase III or V demands elapse of certain periods.


A Wizard's Story (*klick*)
JiriTown (*klick*)

Jiri Offline

Lover von Itchy

Beiträge: 2.189

04.12.2007 18:33
#13 RE: Legend II, Fortress War Zitat · Antworten

Employing NPC
Dialog with NPC at the fortress is not allowed unless a user employs a fortress administrator.
Ask the fortress administrator to employ fortress NPC; employing NPC demands certain amount of Gold and Guild Point (GP)
Laying NPC Off
It is not allowed to lay the fortress NPC off with discretion of a user.
The fortress NPC is forcibly laid off once the user loses the fortress war. Once the fortress is laid off, all the item production and training courses performed by the NPC are terminated.
Defense Camp
Camps are formed around the castle gate, the guard tower and the heart of the fortress. If the members of the fortress-occupying guild remain inside the defense camps, both of the physical/magical damage and the damage absorption rate increase. (The defense camps can only be formed by the occupying guild, not to the members of the alliance guild.)
Use of NPC
Once NPC is employed, any member of the fortress-occupying guild and its alliance guild can use the menu of NPC. However, user of some of the functions is restricted to the guild master (the commander at the fortress war), and the staffs appointed by the guild master. (Except those temporarily occupying fortress at the war)
Fortress Management
The authorities for the fortress are as shown on the table below:

A fortress administrator is NPC employed in mandatory once a fortress is occupied, and performs jobs
such as tax control, tasks for fortress war, and employing new NPCs.
Tax control
The fortress administrator is entitled to adjust tax rate and levy taxes at large cities and specialty stores
relevant to the occupied fortress.
Tax rate is adjusted in range between -20% and +20%. Tax rate adjustment is available from
00:00 to 23:59 every Saturday, and not restricted of frequency.
Levying taxes is allowed only on every Saturday. When you click Levy button, the taxes are
transferred to the inventory.
Authority for levying taxes is restricted to the guild master (the commander at the fortress war).
Tasks for fortress war
Information is available from the fortress administrator including fortress war schedules and
guilds applied for fortress war to the fortress administrator. (The information is available any members
of the fortress-occupying guild.)
Employing fortress NPC
Authority for employing NPC is restricted to the guild master (the commander at the fortress war). Employing NPC demands payment of defined Gold and GP.
Fortress clerks are positioned at large city adjacent to the fortress, and perform their jobs such as applying fortress war, and purchase/sale of items relevant to the war.
Application for castle attacking at fortress war
Authority of applying for fortress war is restricted to the guild master within a defined period, and application for the war shall meet the following requirements:
- Guild level 3 or higher
- Guild members 20 or more as of application
- Defined registration fee
- Guild other than alliance guild of fortress-occupying guild
Application for castle defending at fortress war
A guild master is entitled to apply for castle defending during fortress war application if its alliance guild occupies a fortress. Application for castle defense of fortress war shall meet the following requirements:
- Guild level 3 or higher
- Guild members 20 or more as of application
- No registration fee
Canceling fortress war
Authority of canceling fortress war is restricted to the guild master prior to a defined period. Press Cancel button on the UI window of Apply/Cancel Fortress War. (Please note that the registration fee is not reimbursed.)
Items relevant to fortress war
It is allowed to purchase or sell items for fortress war from and to the fortress clerk including castle attacking weapons, command post tents, flags, and fortress monsters.
Combat assistants are positioned in the fortress, and are responsible for employing guards and
managing the structures. Authorities for use of the combat assistant are restricted to the guild master
(the commander at the fortress war) and the fortress war administrator.
Fortress structure management
Pressing Manage Structure button displays Manage Structure window indicating the fortress
map and structure information.

Authorities for upgrade and repair of the structure are restricted to the guild master
(the commander at the fortress war) and the fortress war administrator
(not allowed during the fortress war).

Upgrading the structures of the fortress shall meet the following requirements:
① The level of the guild master and the fortress war administrator should be higher than
required level of the structures.
② Gold and GP are necessary for upgrading.
③ A defined period shall elapse at the level of the concerned structures for upgrading.
④ Upgrading is not allowed if durability of the structure is not 100%.
Employing guards
It is allowed to employ guards by purchasing the items for mobilization of guards. Purchase of the items for mobilization of guards consumes Gold as well as GP.
The blacksmith is positioned in the fortress, and is responsible for production and repair of the items.
Authorities for use of the blacksmith are restricted to the guild master (the commander at the fortress war)
and the production administrator. Employing a production administrator saves costs and time of item
Item repairing
Repair of the items by the blacksmith is same as done for common items. However, the blacksmith
is allowed to repair the entire items.
Item production
Pressing Fabricate Items displays a list of the items available of production at the fortress. Placing the
mouse point over one of the items for production displays basic information, production period,
and demanded Gold and GP of the item.
Once production of an item is complete, Complete button is activated, and the item is issued to the
guild master or the production administrator who pressed Complete button.
The trainer is positioned in the fortress, and is responsible for training of transportation vehicles. Authorities
for use of the trainer are restricted to the guild master (the commander at the fortress war) and the training
administrator. Employing a trainer saves costs and time of training.
COS training
Pressing Train COS displays a list of a list of available COS to train at the fortress. Once COS training is
complete, Complete button is activated, and COS is issued to the guild master or the training administrator
who pressed Complete button.
COS is defined as transportation/movement vehicle or pet used Silkroad Online.
Guards are NPCs responsible for security of the fortress. Authorities of use and positioning the guards are restricted to the guild master (the commander at the fortress war) and the fortress war administrator. Types of the guards are defined for positioning at each fortress: The levels of the guards and the mobilizers are as follows:
Guards positioning
Use the guard-mobilization orders to position the guards: Click the left mouse button at the locations to position the guards. (The guards can be positioned at the areas indicated with yellow circles only. If the areas are indicated with red circles, guard positioning is cannot be made.) The guards can only be positioned during the preparation period for the fortress war; they are not allowed to be positioned over the structures. Further, it is not allowed to position the guards at fortresses other than those under occupation.
Laying off and eliminating guards
Press D button on Target window of the guards, and OK button on Verify window to lay the guards off.
Authorities for laying the guards off are restricted to the guild master (the commander at the fortress war) and the fortress war administrator. Any guards killed in action are not regenerated, but eliminated.
A fortress monster is a symbol of a fortress, and authorities for mobilizing the monsters at the fortress war are restricted to the guild master (the commander at the fortress war).
There are two types of the fortress monsters: production monsters produced at the fortress; and monsters for sale available from the fortress clerk.

The level of the fortress monster is identical with that of the mobilizer, and each monster bears capability of that of giant monster.
A fortress monster automatically disappears when HP of the monster decreased down to zero, or at 20 minutes after mobilization.


A Wizard's Story (*klick*)
JiriTown (*klick*)

Jiri Offline

Lover von Itchy

Beiträge: 2.189

04.12.2007 18:41
#14 RE: Legend II, Fortress War Zitat · Antworten

The fortress war is performed on Friday, and proceeds with every other week
after starting the first fortress war. A guild winning the fortress war is
entitled to occupy the fortress for one week.

The guild master (the commander at the fortress war) is entitled to
appoint up to four deputy commanders, and up to ten military
engineers at the fortress war. The authorities of the respective
positions for the fortress war are as shown on the table below:

Guild attacking fortress

Once a fortress war starts, all of the guilds applied for castle attacking are considered as the attacking guilds. Each guild is allowed to recognize the defending guilds as well as other attacking guilds as foes, and perform attack against them. Any attacking guild shall be free from penalty in accordance with the common PK rules for attacking the foes. (This provision is applied to the situation within the fortress only.)
Guild defending fortress
Fortress-occupying guild and its alliance guilds applied for castle defense are classified as the defending guilds, and become the foe of the attacking guilds. Any attacking guild shall be free from penalty in accordance with the common PK rules for attacking the foes. (This provision is applied to the situation within the fortress only.)
Starting fortress war
Once a fortress war starts, five-second’s countdown is displayed to all of the users other than those of the fortress-occupying guild. The users then are forcibly moved to the nearest village five seconds after completion of countdown.
Revival points of attacking guild
The members of attacking guild can be revived at a point near their command
post tent and if the guild has not formed the command post, they are revived
nearest town.
Revival points of defending guild
Fortress-occupying guild: Revival is allowed in front of Gate of Revival inside
the fortress.
Alliance guild: Revival is allowed in front of Gate of Fortress inside the fortress.
Revived member with no register
When moving through the gate or reviving from the fortress war, users become invincible status which
cannot be attacked or attack for 10 seconds.
Progress of a fortress war is made in the order of intrusion into the exterior castle, destruction of the guard towers, and destruction of the heart of the fortress.
Intrusion into exterior castle
Phase of breaking through the castle gate and entering the castle by the attacking guild
Destruction of guard towers
All of the guard towers in the exterior castle shall be destroyed. It is not allowed to attack the heart of the fortress unless all of the guard towers are destructed. A notice is circulated to all of the participants of the fortress war indicating that the heart of the fortress can be destroyed only when all of the guard towers are destructed.
Please note that it is not allowed to attack the heart of the fortress immediately after destroying all of the guard towers. Attacking the heart of the fortress is allowed three minutes after destruction of the entire guard towers inside the fortress.
Destroying heart of fortress
Once the heart of the fortress is destructed, guilds and alliance guilds most consumed durability of the heart become the defending guilds, and other guilds do the attacking counterpart. Then, the game proceeds as follows:

① At the moment of destruction of the heart of the fortress, a notice is circulated to all of the participants of the fortress war
indicating temporary occupation of the fortress.
② Once the heart of the fortress is destroyed, all of the attacking guilds are forcibly moved to one of the three fortress gates outside
the fortress.
③ The attacking guilds are not allowed to enter the fortress for five minutes after temporary occupation.
④ Upon temporary occupation of the fortress, the grade of the structures is decreased by one degree. The maximum decreases is
one degree.
The decreased grade is not recovered until completion of the fortress war. (Structures subject to degree decrease: The heart of
the fortress, the castle gate and the guard towers)
⑤ Once the fortress is temporarily occupied, durability of the castle gate is recovered to 100%, and kept closed.
In addition, durability of the heart of the fortress and the guard towers is also recovered to 100%.
⑥ The defense camps is not subject to grade decrease; however, durability is not recovered.
⑦ A new fortress-occupying guild eliminates all the existing commanding post tents.
⑧ All of the flags and the mobilized monsters disappear.
⑨ A guild temporarily occupying the fortress is not allowed to use NPC, and all of the existing guards are laid off.
⑩ All of the obstructs installed by the defending guild disappear.
⑪ The decreased grade of the structures is not recovered upon completion of the fortress war.
⑫ The grade of all of the structures is reset to first degree once a guild succeeds in attacking the castle after completion of the
fortress war.

Temporary war positions are provided to the guild members dependent upon number of PK enemies at the fortress war, and the positions generate buff effects. The war positions and the buff effects are allowed of use within a fortress during a fortress war only, and applied immediately after escalation of the positions.
Once a member escalates to the next high position, the member loses the buff effects of the previous position, and obtains new buff effects for the new position.
The buff effects are kept intact even if the member is killed. The war position and the buff effects are eliminated upon completion of the fortress war.
A guild occupying a fortress upon completion of the fortress war becomes the owner of the fortress.
Succeeding in occupying the fortress
When attacking the fortress succeeds in, and the owner is changed, all of the structures are reset to degree, NPC is laid off, and items and COS under production and training are cancelled.
Succeeding in defending the fortress
The degree decreased during fortress defending is not recovered. Further, the destroyed structures are not automatically recovered.
However, NPC, items and COS under production and training and the fortress position are kept intact.
PK number of characters participated in the fortress war, war records including buff, and fortress monsters disappear upon completion of the fortress war.
Further, all of the obstacles, the command post tents and the flags installed during the fortress war disappear.
The defeated guilds are forcibly evacuated to the nearest village, and the winning and the alliance guild only remain in the fortress.


A Wizard's Story (*klick*)
JiriTown (*klick*)

Jiri Offline

Lover von Itchy

Beiträge: 2.189

04.12.2007 18:43
#15 RE: Legend II, Fortress War Zitat · Antworten

The PK rules for fortress war are applied to the situation within the fortress only during a fortress war.
PK rules for friendly guilds
The alliance guilds participating a fortress war form friendly relationship between them.
Therefore, attacking any of the friendly guilds is not allowed.
PK rules for foe guilds
An enemy relation is formed between the attacking guilds and the defending guilds.
Common attacking is allowed upon establishment of the enemy relation.
It is possible to form enemy relation between attacking guilds if they are not of alliance.
Any member does not become a killer even if the member succeeds in PK against the enemy.
If the member suffers from PK, the member loses the general experience points. (No item is not dropped.)
① The PK rules are applicable inside a fortress during a fortress war even if the guild members wear free emulation uniforms.
② Guild members in work uniform are not allowed to enter the fortress.
③ The PK rules are applicable inside a fortress during a fortress war even for combats between guilds.
④ Return scrolls or reverse return scrolls cannot be used in a fortress during a battle; however, use of resurrection scrolls is
⑤ Number of PK neither increases nor decreases inside the fortress during the fortress war.
⑥ Behemoth and Dark Dragon Killer training at the fortress are transportation vehicle capable of attacking. PK-ing an enemy with
them, the same rules as the character PK apply.
① Any alliance guild withdrawn or expelled from the alliance during the fortress war forms foe relation against the guild of previous
alliance, and then is forcibly evacuated to the nearest large city.
If withdrawn or expelled guild occupies the fortress, the remainder alliance guilds are forcibly evacuated.
② The guild that has occupied a fortress cannot be disbanded.
③ Any guild applied for attacking or defending during the fortress war cannot be disbanded until the fortress war is finished.
④ Any guild applied for attacking or defending during the fortress war cannot accept a new member or expel member.

The marks of the fortress war are displayed inside the fortress during the fortress war.
Indication of the marks for a fortress can be toggled on the system option window.
Attacking guild
① ID of the friendly guild is marked white.
② A white commander mark is indicated over the head of the commander of the friendly guild.
③ A white deputy commander mark is indicated over the head of the deputy commander of the friendly guild.
④ ID of defending foe guild is marked red.
⑤ A red commander mark is indicated over the head of the commander of the defending foe guild.
⑥ A red deputy commander mark is indicated over the head of the deputy commander of the defending foe guild.
⑦ ID of attacking foe guild is marked purple.
⑧ A blue commander mark is indicated over the head of the commander of the attacking foe guild.
⑨ A blue deputy commander mark is indicated over the head of the deputy commander of the attacking foe guild.
⑩ ID of same parties is marked green.
Defending guild
① ID of the friendly guild is marked white.
② A white commander mark is indicated over the head of the commander of the friendly guild.
③ A white deputy commander mark is indicated over the head of the deputy commander of the friendly guild.
④ ID of foe guild is marked red.
⑤ A red commander mark is indicated over the head of the commander of the foe guild.
⑥ A red deputy commander mark is indicated over the deputy head of the commander of the foe guild.
⑦ ID of same parties is marked green.


A Wizard's Story (*klick*)
JiriTown (*klick*)

Jiri Offline

Lover von Itchy

Beiträge: 2.189

04.12.2007 18:44
#16 RE: Legend II, Fortress War Zitat · Antworten
Das is die komplette Page ;)

Die Map von der Fortress is geil...

Was bringt es eig die Fortress nach dem Sieg ne Woche lang zu haben?


A Wizard's Story (*klick*)
JiriTown (*klick*)

Lord_Wurst Offline


Beiträge: 299

04.12.2007 19:07
#17 RE: Legend II, Fortress War Zitat · Antworten

Gold und Spass

Feed Me!

Pete Offline

Ich bin das neue Mangabayb

Beiträge: 8.388.607

04.12.2007 19:24
#18 RE: Legend II, Fortress War Zitat · Antworten

nice auch qwennwa untergehn werden^^

Lord_Wurst Offline


Beiträge: 299

04.12.2007 19:45
#19 RE: Legend II, Fortress War Zitat · Antworten

es gibt mindestens 8 Festungen!
Wir gehen den ersten Freitag alle zusammen auf die unbekannteste^^
Am besten noch jan holen oder so

Feed Me!

Pete Offline

Ich bin das neue Mangabayb

Beiträge: 8.388.607

04.12.2007 19:45
#20 RE: Legend II, Fortress War Zitat · Antworten

jan isn nazi
außerdem hatter aufgehört
sry for offtopic

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